PVC vs copper

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    • #274112
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Is it advisable to use pvc to replace an existing 1 1/2″ copper piping system from a hot water tank (125 degree) to a gas fired coil heater and return. The system has inline cutoffs, inline pump, elbows, unions, etc.

      • #289175
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          PVC can handle temperatures up to 140 degree’s BUT I wouldn’t trust it if the pressure should rise as there is a temperature pressure relationship here.

          The higher the pressure Or temperature the more prone to failure this piping can be

          I am assuming your talking schedule 40 not 80.

          Also you must take into consideration local codes and water quality before choosing one material over another.

          As much as I use copper I would still consider other piping materials if the job warranted it BUT not just for cost purposes.

          Plastic can become brittle and can crack if hit unlike copper and PVC needs more supports to prevent joint stress and sagging.

          Here is an article that may help you choose another Plastic material for hot water service.

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