Turning off radiators

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    • #280288
      Avatar photomorabito

        Does it hurt to turn off radiators in rooms that are seldom used, and only turn them on when they are? This might include 4-5 radiators at a time out of about 15.

      • #305668
        Avatar photoJohn Voyack

          The only time they could create a problem would be if they were in series. But if that were the case, the individual radiators would not have valves.: Does it hurt to turn off radiators in rooms that are : seldom used, and only turn them on when they are? This : might include 4-5 radiators at a time out of about 15.

        • #305669
          Avatar photoJohn Voyack

            The only time they could create a problem would be if they were in series. But if that were the case, the individual radiators would not have valves.: Does it hurt to turn off radiators in rooms that are : seldom used, and only turn them on when they are? This : might include 4-5 radiators at a time out of about 15.

          • #308013
            Avatar photoJohn Voyack

              We would like to remove a large radiator in our kitchen and replace it with either 1 smaller or 2 smaller radiators along the same wall. We want to put in a peninsula and the radiator takes up too much room. Is this possible and if so is it possible to do it as a do it yourself project or do we need a professional.

            • #308014
              Avatar photoJohn Voyack

                We would like to remove a large radiator in our kitchen and replace it with either 1 smaller or 2 smaller radiators along the same wall. We want to put in a peninsula and the radiator takes up too much room. Is this possible and if so is it possible to do it as a do it yourself project or do we need a professional.

              • #309400
                Avatar photoJohn Voyack

                  Do you who makes sells or has acess to a home heating radiator?

                • #309401
                  Avatar photoJohn Voyack

                    Do you who makes sells or has acess to a home heating radiator?

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