Faucet low/high pressure

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    • #273636
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have a Delta ball socket faucet with a built in flexible spray hose that is also the main faucet outlet (ie – it is not a seperate spray unit). More and more frequently, when I turn on the faucet, as the pressure builds up I will hear a little pop and see that the pressure drops noticably. I have pulled off the handle and ball to confirm water comes out at full pressure. Put them back on and remove the faucet spray from the flexible hose, and still see the pressure drop – implying it is between the flexible hose and the ball chamber. I have replaced the ball and the two springs (hot/cold) to no avail. I also see the problem after pulling the hose itself off. Faucet and house is only six years old.

        I don’t understand how it is possible for the pressure to drop so suddenly. Sometimes after taking everything apart and putting it back together it will be okay for a little while. Drop is in both hot and cold lines – leading me not to suspect any other valves in the house. No other fuacets have this problem. Dishwasher unit also attached.

        Thanks for your help in advance!

      • #288200
        Avatar photoJerry Peck

          My guess is the problem is in the spray head.

          Sounds like the spray head could be ‘popping’ to / from the spray position without actually changing from stream to spray.

          Try turning the faucet off with the spray head in spray, then with the spray head in stream. Does it make any difference when you turn the faucet back on?

          Can you disassemble the spray head? If so, do you still have the problem when you turn the faucet on with the spray mechanism removed? (If yes, then it’s not the spray head.)

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