lead free solder

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    • #284471
      Avatar photoLau

        What does lead free solder contain?

      • #304260
        Avatar photoMarty Alpert

          : What does lead free solder contain?M…. cannot contain no more than 0.2% lead.

        • #304265
          Avatar photoMarty Alpert

            Marty:–Tin and Antimony.

          • #309261
            Avatar photoMarty Alpert

              I am trying to do a CSYS chemistry project on lead solder. can you give me any info? Thanks.

            • #309317
              Avatar photoMarty Alpert

                Does solder material which you use for dip-soldering contain any lead? (the metal which you use to dip the ends of wires into)What must adults or children do to get lead poisoning from this type of soldering?

              • #309327
                Avatar photoMarty Alpert

                  : Does solder material which you use for dip-soldering contain any lead? (the metal which you use to dip the ends of wires into) it may contain lead see our website for common solder alloys : What must adults or children do to get lead poisoning from this type of soldering? lead poisoning comes from ingesting solder by either directly putting in your mouth or by transfering lead residue from hand to mouth. Most lead poisoning comes from exposure to airborne ethyl lead from old style leaded gasoline or by ingesting lead paint chips. I work with thousands of tons of lead with no problems- it actually is safer than water (more people drown in one year then has ever died of lead poisoning)

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