“Air Voids” in Fiberglass shower

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing “Air Voids” in Fiberglass shower

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Avatar photoSylvanLMP.
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    • #273427
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We just bought a brand new house 8 months ago, and already, our fiberglass shower floor has had two air voids, and one crack. The manufacturer tells us it can just continue to be “repaired”, which it has already been, twice, and the repair is starting to come up. We are thinking there is a defect in either the shower itself, or there was a problem in the installation. Can anyone give me any references or information to check up on this? The manufacturer is being very sneaky when it comes to fulfilling the warrenty. Thank you!

      • #287629
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Hey do like I do POST THE NAME of the manufacturer so the entire world knows HOW REPUTABLE they are or ARE NOT.

          Like the Marco 5/8 electric snake I had lasted 22 minutes BUT unfortunately 15 minutes was getting to the job site.

          I never had that kind of problem with GENERAL SEWER cleaners or wire.

          IM my professional “OPINION” get that garbage out and have a new one installed BEFORE they can play the one year warrantee is over game

        • #287630
          Avatar photoGuest

            Thank you for the reply and the suggestion! I agree, I am going to push them to replace it.

          • #287631
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              Please keep me informed as I also own a plumbers discussion site and I am sure my members would love to know how you were treated.

              Also You can post the name of the general contractor AND the Licensed plumber who did the installation.
              Good luck

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