Shower Repair

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    • #282835
      Avatar photoPeter A. Gaudreau

        I managed to knock a hole in my shower wall. How can I patch the hole so it is unnoticable by my landlord?Thanks for any help that you can provide.

      • #303504
        Avatar photoWill Henwood

          : I managed to knock a hole in my shower wall. How can I patch the hole so it is unnoticable by my landlord?: Thanks for any help that you can provide.If the hole is not bigger than your hand, use a piece of stiff cardboard or plywood, slightly larger than the hole. Stick wood to the inside of the hole, using a piece of string through the centre of the wood until the glue sets. Then use plaster of paris to fill in the hole

        • #303505
          Avatar photoWill Henwood

            I assume it is a fiberglass shower unit. If so there are no do it yourself methods. You can contact a fixture repair company which can do it, and the cost is often about $50.00 depending on the size. : I managed to knock a hole in my shower wall. How can I patch the hole so it is unnoticable by my landlord?: Thanks for any help that you can provide.

          • #309022
            Avatar photoWill Henwood

              I have a Moen shower fixture. You pull it and it turns to get thee right temp. Seems thatI get mostly hot water. When its turned all thee way to the right, cold very low pressure water comes out. Assuming the water presure is the same on both hot and cold, can the diverter valve be adjusted to allow moree cold water to flow?

            • #309234
              Avatar photoWill Henwood

                A small plastic piece that holds the hand shower onto the shower wall post broke and I must find a replacement piece asap.I live in NYC. Can you suggest a place to find that piece?

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