Sump Pump Smell

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    • #285284
      Avatar photoJan Smith

        The basement of our brand new house smells like a sewer. The smell seems to be coming from the sump pump. The builder had the plumbers re-test our sewage system using ether gas but no leak was found. The water draining into the sump pump is clear but the pipes smell like a sewer. The builder cleaned the sump pump with bleach but it just seemed to cover up the smell for awhile. He keeps telling us the smell will go away after awhile, but Im not so sure. It seems to smell worse when it rains. Does anybody have any idea on what could be causing this stench? Any suggestions to remedy the situation would be appreciated. Thanks!

      • #303253
        Avatar photoDavid Pico

          David: Call your County/City Health Department, and find out what you need to do to resolve your dilemma. Be sure to get the name(s) of the people that you speak with ( in the event that you have to go to court) Ask the folks at the Health Dept. if you can bring a sample of the water in for analysis because you are concerned about the possibility of health dangers. They will in all likelyhood send someone to your home to have a look at your problem. Im sure that you will at least get some answers to your questions. You may wish to copy this post and give a all you have occasion to talk with. So that they know you intend to pursue the matter to conclusion. Lots of luck, and let us know how you make out with your smelly water problem. Bud Hardman Suncoast Plumbing Inc. Sunny Florida.Take a sample of the water to your county/city Health Dept and have them check it out for e-coli or other nasties, and refer the problem to the builder for correction.

        • #303339
          Avatar photoDavid Pico

            As someone with a similar problem, I have been told that if you contact the Health Dept, they will usually condemn your system. Then if you use it, they will fine YOU for using it, not the builder for causing the whole problem. Id like to know how this turns out for you.

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