plumbing evaluation test

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    • #285291
      Avatar phototroyfrazier

        Do you hate to argue with employees over pay raises? any plumbing employers out there that are tired of hiring the wrong person? (they all say they can do everything!! OR worse yet, letting a good plumber go to your competition because he is underpaid – you need the Plumbing Evaluation Test. The best feature is employees rate themselves in every possible area of plumbing knowledge & skill. You have it in writing & can go back over it at later times. New hire plumbers cannot hide their skill levels nor can they exagerate their skills. This written test grades all areas including work ethics. It is a MUST for pay evaluations…no arguing, no hurt feelings or bad relationships in the shop. E-mail me today for more information on pricing & how you can obtain your company copy. My personal experience was amazing – my plumber increased his productivity in only one week by a major difference…he saw for himself where he lacked & needed improvement without even opening my mouth. He produced more money in one day than the P.E.T. costs. Increase your shop productivity TODAY!!!

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