Dear sir or madam
My name is Chang Lail. I¡|m a student at University of New South Wale studying Building Construction
Management in third year.
I¡|m sending you this e-mail because I need some help with an assignment that I have to do and the
assignment also involve a presentation. The topic is on Stormwater Management during Construction. This
topic is not one that can easy be search in the library because it is a pacific topic. Most of the
information that can be found are base on stormwater management in general.
The informations that I need for the assignment are:
1. What measure are put in place to control the runoff on construction site?
2. How are site drainage plans for?
3. What role does council play in stormwater management plan?
4. What are the ranges of product use?
5. How effective are those products use in achieving it purpose?
6. What is the average cost for stormwater management on each site?
„h Is there any other information that you feel might be useful to the assignment, please do not hesitate
to include.
Can you be so kind as to send the information to:
Chang Lail
45 Pevensey St Canley Vale 2166
Contact No. 0418218514
E-mail to:
[email protected]
Thank You for your time and your help.
Chang Lail