Kohler toilet leaking

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Avatar photoSylvanLMP.
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    • #273252
      Avatar photoAnonymous

        I have 3 Kohler Rialto toilets (11 yrs old), and just spent over $60.00 for a float valve conversion kit to stop a leak. Another toilet is having the same problem now. Is there a less expensive solution ?(I have already tried a cheap $5.00 repair kit, but it still leaks – the seat is pitted and ragged).

      • #287197
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          sorry but as FAR as I am concerned ANY BRAND is better than Kohler.. I have replaced Kohler toilets less then 3 weeks old.

          One of my accounts had EVERY single Kohler removed from her home over a period of 2 years.

          Personally I like Crane as I have installed approx. 1,500 and NOT ONE SINGLE call back in 16 years.

          Think Crane or another brand even Gerber sorry But you did ask my expert opinion

        • #287198
          Avatar photobungie

            In Australia a new fluidmaster inlet valve cost about $18, put that in, damn site cheaper than a USAS$60 (AU$103).. I think that was what you where asking

          • #287199
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              Hey Mate you got to be kidding.
              A new fluid master 400A here you can buy for around $4.00 when you buy a case like I do.

              Of course this is not the price we have to sell it for. (we have to cover our over head and profit and other manufacturing defects that are happening more and more bad fittings and valves, etc.)

              The problems I have encountered with Kohler especially is the tank bulb not seating properly and using a 400A only causes the tank to sound like it is flushing itself.

              I may drop in down under for the Olympics with some of my key employees for a few weeks of R&R hope to see Loz. and Mike the gassman.

            • #287200
              Avatar photoGuest

                I have always found that Kohler is a good brand toilet, However like all manufactures once in a while they put out a product that has a couple of improvement needs , do not give up on your Rialto, Instead approach the problem as a science as i beleive toilets should be aproached, Kohler put out some one peice toilets that have a twist fit flush valve , ( the flush valve should not be confused with the fill valve), this flush valve of the period of time that you are referring to had some bad gaskets and kohler was giving replacements for free , I do not know if they still are , You might call Fergeson Enterprises or a kohler rep to see , also there coud be to much water pressure in your house and that will cause the water to run, any parts in a rialto toilet need to be kohler parts only I would call a rep for advice , good luck

              • #287201
                Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                  Hi Franklin, Kohler IMHO USED to be a semi decent product until they decided to move manufacturing to a 3rd world country to save on SKILLED labor costs. Have you noticed Kohler says “The bold look” nothing about “The quality”

                  For the greater NYC toilet change out literally millions of toilets were replaced from the old 3.5 to the newer 1.6 low flush.

                  Crane was one of the toilets I did try and after installing several thousand toilets (all gravity) there was not ONE CALL BACK or one complaint, How many new homes with very fancy “Kohler ” toilets do you see with a plunger right next to the toilet.

                  I was fortunate to attend a Sloan class on the “flushmate” and other 1.6 GPF products.

                  I will stick with gravity discharge any time UNLESS I can use the Sloan Royal which is the BEST FLUSHOMETERS BAR NONE including Delany, Crane or even the Sloan Gem etc.

                  For Quality I look for ease of repair, longevity and parts availibity locally for the home owner. I like simple operation and trouble free adjustments and cost effective Replacement parts.

                  Considering the Crane toilet cost $59.00 and NEVER had any problems in over 12 years of operation why pay for a name where the repair parts cost more then a better manufacturer sells an entire toilet for?

                • #287202
                  Avatar photoGuest

                    Sylvan, I feel your passion, One point I would like to make is that , if the rialto toilet is 11 yeares old it is more than likely a 3.5 gallons per flush, second point is that if someone has three rialto toilets they are not to worried about the price if they are worried about price then I would reccomend replaceing the toilets with conventional two peice waterclosets, the rialto is expensive to repair , I also feel that until i have problems with a product I will not condemn them . as a note 1000 toilets installed and no recall is incredible I have always heard that even in a perfect world that you should expect approx two percent recall from just customers not understanding the equipment so I commend you on skill and communication ,

                  • #287203
                    Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                      This was a win win for everyone as NYC gets to save billions of gallons of water and then doesnt need a new water tunnel project.

                      The home owner gets a NEW toilet with seat and low flow shower head plus flow restrictors in their faucets for JUST THE TAX ($19.80) where can anyone get this deal?

                      The low flow toilets saved the home owner on the metered water bill to boot.

                      Plumbers had more then enough work, the home owner gets new toilet(s) and the city saves billions.

                      NYC allowed up to $240 for the 1st toilet replacement in the home/appartment and $150 towards every other toilet in the same living space.

                      One job was written up in the local news papers as this have over 15,000 toilets replaced.

                      Before I decided to get in the pool I contacted a local plumbing supply and asked
                      (Solco) which toilet he sold the most of, without any doubt it was Crane 4 to one.

                      I bought one Crane installed it in my office and put it to a test working in actual job conditions.

                      My employees used this toilet and I invited building owners and management agents to try to stuff it up with normal usage INCLUDING 30 sheets of TP.

                      After 4 months without any problems what so ever this was the toilet I specified.

                      Think about it a $59. Toilet trouble free and parts readily available at any hardware store. The “Kohler” parts cost more then this toilet and I found Kohler time consuming to repair.

                      Crane is an old company spends money in R&D rather then showmanship and it shows in Quality rather then “bold looks”.

                      I HATE CALL BACKS and this product has been fantastic on being maintenance free.

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