water conservation devices

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Avatar photoSylvanLMP.
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    • #273204
      Avatar photogreenboy

        i am deciding whether or not to install water saving flappers in my toilets at home. the up side is the water savings. i talked to a plumber the other day and he stated that these devices would clog up the water lines because the system was built to handle the maximum amount of water. he said that the lines need that water to get everything out. i am talking about 13 litre toilets – what about the new 6 litre – would these new toilets do even more damage to the lines in terms of clogging?

      • #287089
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          I cannot believe that old fallacy is still circulating around.

          During the Greater NYC toilet change out, a lot of folks were saying the new 1.6 GPF toilets would cause major problems compared to the old 3.5 GPF.

          They rambled about no scouring action able to take place AND how the horizontal piping would constantly be a source of stoppages. NEVER HAPPENED

          NYC replaced around 4 MILLION TOILETS saving billions of cubic feet of water per year.

          Now in your case the low flow flapper most lightly will NOT WORK. You see it is how the toilet is designed not just one component. Like the folks on the LEFT COAST (California) putting bricks in the toilets to help conserve water during the draught BUT then they had to flush twice.

          If you really want to lower the water waste try getting a GREAT Crane toilet 1.6 They cost around $59.00 and after installing several hundred of them NOT ONE CALL BACK.

          I wish I could say this about the other TWICE as expensive types. The Crane is Quiet and has gravity flow and most of all it WORKS, but the reason some folks don’t push this toilet is they cant charge a lot for this fantastic product.

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