How do install a bathtub

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 25 years ago by Avatar photoMichael Kordik.
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    • #284550
      Avatar photomichael e spikes

        I have an American Standard Americast tub. There are no holes in the flange to mount to the studs. Under the lip of the tub there are slots that do not go all the way through the tub. How do you mount this tub? Also do I put cement board against the wall and the tub up against the cement board and then tile over the flange? The tile will angle to fit over the flange. Is this right?Thanks, Mike

      • #302961
        Avatar photoMichael Kordik

          : I have an American Standard Americast tub. There are no holes in the flange to mount to the studs. Under the lip of the tub there are slots that do not go all the way through the tub. How do you mount this tub? Also do I put cement board against the wall and the tub up against the cement board and then tile over the flange? The tile will angle to fit over the flange. Is this right?: Thanks, : Mike Michael, Installation: tubs Instructions for installing Americast tubs should be included with the tub purchase. They suggest using a 2×4 stringer placed horizontal on the wall behind the tub. The back of the tub will rest on this. To determine the height of the stringer, use a level and find the high point of the floor where the tub apron will come in contact with the floor. Measure back from that point. The low corner should be shimmed to prevent rocking. Galv roofing nails can be nailed over the flange (not through) to secure to the wall. Most contractors install the cement board above the flange of the tub but not over. American Standard suggest ripping wall shims to allow the cement board to be installed over the flanges but held off the tub 1/4 and caulked with silicone. (The problem with shimming the wall is that the entire wall, to be consistent needs to be shimmed) Another method would be shimming the wall and using 1/4 tilebacker cement board.Regards, Terry

        • #307399
          Avatar photoMichael Kordik

            : I have an American Standard Americast tub. There are no holes in the flange to mount to the studs. Under the lip of the tub there are slots that do not go all the way through the tub. How do you mount this tub? Also do I put cement board against the wall and the tub up against the cement board and then tile over the flange? The tile will angle to fit over the flange. Is this right?: Thanks, : Mike

          • #307400
            Avatar photoMichael Kordik

              : I have an American Standard Americast tub. There are no holes in the flange to mount to the studs. Under the lip of the tub there are slots that do not go all the way through the tub. How do you mount this tub? Also do I put cement board against the wall and the tub up against the cement board and then tile over the flange? The tile will angle to fit over the flange. Is this right?: Thanks, : Mike

            • #307401
              Avatar photoMichael Kordik

                : I have an American Standard Americast tub. There are no holes in the flange to mount to the studs. Under the lip of the tub there are slots that do not go all the way through the tub. How do you mount this tub? Also do I put cement board against the wall and the tub up against the cement board and then tile over the flange? The tile will angle to fit over the flange. Is this right?: Thanks, : Mike

              • #307402
                Avatar photoMichael Kordik

                  : : I have an American Standard Americast tub. There are no holes in the flange to mount to the studs. Under the lip of the tub there are slots that do not go all the way through the tub. How do you mount this tub? Also do I put cement board against the wall and the tub up against the cement board and then tile over the flange? The tile will angle to fit over the flange. Is this right?: : Thanks, : : Mike

                • #307632
                  Avatar photoMichael Kordik

                    : : I have an American Standard Americast tub. There are no holes in the flange to mount to the studs. Under the lip of the tub there are slots that do not go all the way through the tub. How do you mount this tub? Also do I put cement board against the wall and the tub up against the cement board and then tile over the flange? The tile will angle to fit over the flange. Is this right?: : Thanks, : : Mike

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