• This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 26 years ago by Avatar photoMarisa Morales.
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    • #280235
      Avatar photojonathan burridge

        Have any of you tried PEX or a manifold system and if so what do you think of it? PEX is used extensively in europe and at the plumbing show there, copper was not a consideration for most residential use, only commercial. When I asked why they all pointed to the corrosion problems and said why would we use a product with a 50 year life when we can use a noncorrosive, Health and toxicity approved product that lasts 70 to 100 years. Im interested in your opinions?

      • #302710
        Avatar photoMarisa Morales

          : Would like to get in touch with manufaturers of Pex pipe systems for trade in the Gulf countries.

        • #302711
          Avatar photoMarisa Morales

            : Would like to get in touch with manufaturers of Pex pipe systems for trade in the Gulf countries.

          • #303171
            Avatar photoMarisa Morales

              in the title said unable alocate memory for recopiling code

            • #303172
              Avatar photoMarisa Morales

                in the title said unable alocate memory for recopiling code

              • #303430
                Avatar photoMarisa Morales

                  Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Tecnologia na constru��o civil (He/she researches, Development and Technology in the civil construction) Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Tecnologia na constru��o civil He/she researches, Development and Technology in the civil constructionA mais de dois anos estamos dando um curso de transfer�ncia de tecnologia, para mais de 100 construtoras no Brasil, visando mudar a filosofia, metodologia, sequ�ncia t�cnica, trajet�ria de obra, etc. Para isso criamos 12 m�dulos de treinamento, sendo que cada um deles abrange um assunto espec�fico, quais sejam: M�dulo 1 : Concep��o do empreendimento; M�dulo 2 : Coordena��o de projetos; M�dulo 3 : Projeto de c�lculo Estrutural; M�dulo 4 : Produ��o de estruturas de concreto armado; M�dulo 5 : Projeto e produ��o de instala��es hidr�ulicas, esgoto, combate � incendio, �guas pluviais, g�s canalizado, tratamento de esgoto; M�dulo 6 : Projeto e produ��o de instala��es el�tricas, telef�nicas, automa��o predial, sistema de antena coletiva, etc; M�dulo 7 : Projeto e produ��o de paredes, blocos de gesso, blocos de concreto, blocos cer�micos, paineis de gesso, produ��o e aplica��o de ma�as para utiliza��o no assentamento de tijolos, revestimentos, etc; M�dulo 8 : Projeto e produ��o de impermeabilidade nos pr�dios em suas diversas �reas ou setores, e fachadas; M�dulo 9 : Projeto e produ��o de janelas de alum�nio, ferro e madeira, montagem de obra na fase de acabamento (obra fina); M�dulo 10 : Planejamento e or�amento da produ��o; M�dulo 11 : Planejamento e or�amento estrat�gico; M�dulo 12 : Procedimentos e controle da qualidade da produ��o e gest�o da qualidade, produ��o e manuten��o do sistema construtivo. Cada m�dulo � dado em tr�s dias por m�s, portanto a dura��o global do programa acima � de doze meses. Portanto estamos solicitando a participa��o da sua empresa deste processo de revolu��o da industria da constru��o civil brasileira de alguma das formas abaixo descritas, onde ela se encaixa : 1 : Participa��o do curso 2 : Envio de cat�logos t�cnicos para nossa equipe analisar e divulgar os seus produtos, uma vez que eles apresentem algum car�ter evolutivo no processo construtivo da constru��o civil brasileira. 3 :Fornecimento de amostra de produtos para nossa equipe analisar e divulgar os seus produtos, uma vez que eles apresentem algum car�ter evolutivo no processo construtivo da constru��o civil brasileira. 4 : Envio de algum trabalho de assunto t�cnico relevante e inovador para nossa equipe analisar e divulgar os seus produtos, uma vez que eles apresentem algum car�ter evolutivo no processo construtivo da constru��o civil brasileira. 5 : Promover este evento em sua cidade. 6 : Custo do evento incluindo material did�tico e plestra com nossos consultores. 7 : Nossos telefones: (031) 3713858(fone, fax ) contato engenheiro Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (031) 3713858(fone, fax ) contato engenheiro Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (061) 3642599(fone, fax ) contato engenheiro Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. e-mail: [email protected] more than two years we are giving a course of technology transfer, for more than 100 manufacturers in Brazil, seeking to change the philosophy, methodology, technical sequence, work trajectory, etc. For that we created 12 training modules, and each one of them embraces a specific subject, which you/they are: Module 1: Conception of the enterprise; Module 2: Coordination of projects; Module 3: Project of Structural calculation; Module 4: Production of structures of armed concrete; Module 5: Project and production of hydraulic facilities, sewer, combats � fire, pluvial waters, channeled gas, sewer treatment; Module 6: Project and production of electric, phone facilities, automation predial, system of collective antenna, etc; Module 7: Project and production of walls, blocks of plaster, concrete blocks, ceramic blocks, panels of plaster, production and application of apples for use in the establishment of bricks, coatings, etc; Module 8: Project and impermeability production in the buildings in its several areas or sections, and facades; Module 9: Project and production of windows of aluminum, iron and wood, work assembly in the phase of finish (fine work); Module 10: Planning and budget of the production; Module 11: Planning and strategic budget; Module 12: Procedures and control of the quality of the production and administration of the quality, production and maintenance of the constructive system. Each module is given in three days a month, therefore the global duration of the program above is of twelve months. Therefore we are requesting the participation of its company of this process of revolution of the industry of the construction civil Brazilian below of some in the ways described, where she is fit: 1: Participation of the course 2: Shipping of technical catalogs for our team to analyze and to disclose its products, once they present some evolutionary character in the constructive process of the Brazilian civil construction. 3:Supply of sample of products for our team to analyze and to disclose its products, once they present some evolutionary character in the constructive process of the Brazilian civil construction. 4: I send for our team of some work of important and innovative technical subject to analyze and to disclose its products, once they present some evolutionary character in the constructive process of the Brazilian civil construction. 5 : To promote this event in its city. 6 : I cost of the event including didactic material and lecture with our consultants. 7 : Our telephones: (031) 3713858(fone, fax) I contact engineer Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (031) 3713858(fone, fax) I contact engineer Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (061) 3642599(fone, fax) I contact engineer Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. e-mail: [email protected]� estamos dando palestras atrav�s do Sinduscon MG, para mais de 20 construtoras com grande sucesso. Estamos j� tamb�m com mais de 20 construtoras no Recife, consulte a ADEMI-PE

                • #303431
                  Avatar photoMarisa Morales

                    Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Tecnologia na constru��o civil (He/she researches, Development and Technology in the civil construction) Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Tecnologia na constru��o civil He/she researches, Development and Technology in the civil constructionA mais de dois anos estamos dando um curso de transfer�ncia de tecnologia, para mais de 100 construtoras no Brasil, visando mudar a filosofia, metodologia, sequ�ncia t�cnica, trajet�ria de obra, etc. Para isso criamos 12 m�dulos de treinamento, sendo que cada um deles abrange um assunto espec�fico, quais sejam: M�dulo 1 : Concep��o do empreendimento; M�dulo 2 : Coordena��o de projetos; M�dulo 3 : Projeto de c�lculo Estrutural; M�dulo 4 : Produ��o de estruturas de concreto armado; M�dulo 5 : Projeto e produ��o de instala��es hidr�ulicas, esgoto, combate � incendio, �guas pluviais, g�s canalizado, tratamento de esgoto; M�dulo 6 : Projeto e produ��o de instala��es el�tricas, telef�nicas, automa��o predial, sistema de antena coletiva, etc; M�dulo 7 : Projeto e produ��o de paredes, blocos de gesso, blocos de concreto, blocos cer�micos, paineis de gesso, produ��o e aplica��o de ma�as para utiliza��o no assentamento de tijolos, revestimentos, etc; M�dulo 8 : Projeto e produ��o de impermeabilidade nos pr�dios em suas diversas �reas ou setores, e fachadas; M�dulo 9 : Projeto e produ��o de janelas de alum�nio, ferro e madeira, montagem de obra na fase de acabamento (obra fina); M�dulo 10 : Planejamento e or�amento da produ��o; M�dulo 11 : Planejamento e or�amento estrat�gico; M�dulo 12 : Procedimentos e controle da qualidade da produ��o e gest�o da qualidade, produ��o e manuten��o do sistema construtivo. Cada m�dulo � dado em tr�s dias por m�s, portanto a dura��o global do programa acima � de doze meses. Portanto estamos solicitando a participa��o da sua empresa deste processo de revolu��o da industria da constru��o civil brasileira de alguma das formas abaixo descritas, onde ela se encaixa : 1 : Participa��o do curso 2 : Envio de cat�logos t�cnicos para nossa equipe analisar e divulgar os seus produtos, uma vez que eles apresentem algum car�ter evolutivo no processo construtivo da constru��o civil brasileira. 3 :Fornecimento de amostra de produtos para nossa equipe analisar e divulgar os seus produtos, uma vez que eles apresentem algum car�ter evolutivo no processo construtivo da constru��o civil brasileira. 4 : Envio de algum trabalho de assunto t�cnico relevante e inovador para nossa equipe analisar e divulgar os seus produtos, uma vez que eles apresentem algum car�ter evolutivo no processo construtivo da constru��o civil brasileira. 5 : Promover este evento em sua cidade. 6 : Custo do evento incluindo material did�tico e plestra com nossos consultores. 7 : Nossos telefones: (031) 3713858(fone, fax ) contato engenheiro Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (031) 3713858(fone, fax ) contato engenheiro Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (061) 3642599(fone, fax ) contato engenheiro Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. e-mail: [email protected] more than two years we are giving a course of technology transfer, for more than 100 manufacturers in Brazil, seeking to change the philosophy, methodology, technical sequence, work trajectory, etc. For that we created 12 training modules, and each one of them embraces a specific subject, which you/they are: Module 1: Conception of the enterprise; Module 2: Coordination of projects; Module 3: Project of Structural calculation; Module 4: Production of structures of armed concrete; Module 5: Project and production of hydraulic facilities, sewer, combats � fire, pluvial waters, channeled gas, sewer treatment; Module 6: Project and production of electric, phone facilities, automation predial, system of collective antenna, etc; Module 7: Project and production of walls, blocks of plaster, concrete blocks, ceramic blocks, panels of plaster, production and application of apples for use in the establishment of bricks, coatings, etc; Module 8: Project and impermeability production in the buildings in its several areas or sections, and facades; Module 9: Project and production of windows of aluminum, iron and wood, work assembly in the phase of finish (fine work); Module 10: Planning and budget of the production; Module 11: Planning and strategic budget; Module 12: Procedures and control of the quality of the production and administration of the quality, production and maintenance of the constructive system. Each module is given in three days a month, therefore the global duration of the program above is of twelve months. Therefore we are requesting the participation of its company of this process of revolution of the industry of the construction civil Brazilian below of some in the ways described, where she is fit: 1: Participation of the course 2: Shipping of technical catalogs for our team to analyze and to disclose its products, once they present some evolutionary character in the constructive process of the Brazilian civil construction. 3:Supply of sample of products for our team to analyze and to disclose its products, once they present some evolutionary character in the constructive process of the Brazilian civil construction. 4: I send for our team of some work of important and innovative technical subject to analyze and to disclose its products, once they present some evolutionary character in the constructive process of the Brazilian civil construction. 5 : To promote this event in its city. 6 : I cost of the event including didactic material and lecture with our consultants. 7 : Our telephones: (031) 3713858(fone, fax) I contact engineer Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (031) 3713858(fone, fax) I contact engineer Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. (061) 3642599(fone, fax) I contact engineer Cl�udio dos Reis Corr�a. e-mail: [email protected]� estamos dando palestras atrav�s do Sinduscon MG, para mais de 20 construtoras com grande sucesso. Estamos j� tamb�m com mais de 20 construtoras no Recife, consulte a ADEMI-PE

                  • #304196
                    Avatar photoMarisa Morales

                      : Have any of you tried PEX or a manifold system and if so what do you think of it? PEX is used extensively in europe and at : the plumbing show there, copper was not a consideration for most residential use, only commercial. When I asked why they all : pointed to the corrosion problems and said why would we use a product with a 50 year life when we can use a noncorrosive, Health : and toxicity approved product that lasts 70 to 100 years. Im interested in your opinions?I have been working with PEX since its origin in the hot and cold otable water. So ar we have had nothing but success. There are so many qualitys that not only make it healthier. It is also easier for the plumber to use.

                    • #304197
                      Avatar photoMarisa Morales

                        : Have any of you tried PEX or a manifold system and if so what do you think of it? PEX is used extensively in europe and at : the plumbing show there, copper was not a consideration for most residential use, only commercial. When I asked why they all : pointed to the corrosion problems and said why would we use a product with a 50 year life when we can use a noncorrosive, Health : and toxicity approved product that lasts 70 to 100 years. Im interested in your opinions?I have been working with PEX since its origin in the hot and cold otable water. So ar we have had nothing but success. There are so many qualitys that not only make it healthier. It is also easier for the plumber to use.

                      • #304198
                        Avatar photoMarisa Morales

                          : Have any of you tried PEX or a manifold system and if so what do you think of it? PEX is used extensively in europe and at : the plumbing show there, copper was not a consideration for most residential use, only commercial. When I asked why they all : pointed to the corrosion problems and said why would we use a product with a 50 year life when we can use a noncorrosive, Health : and toxicity approved product that lasts 70 to 100 years. Im interested in your opinions?I have been working with PEX since its origin in the hot and cold otable water. So ar we have had nothing but success. There are so many qualitys that not only make it healthier. It is also easier for the plumber to use.

                        • #304199
                          Avatar photoMarisa Morales

                            : Have any of you tried PEX or a manifold system and if so what do you think of it? PEX is used extensively in europe and at : the plumbing show there, copper was not a consideration for most residential use, only commercial. When I asked why they all : pointed to the corrosion problems and said why would we use a product with a 50 year life when we can use a noncorrosive, Health : and toxicity approved product that lasts 70 to 100 years. Im interested in your opinions?I have been working with PEX since its origin in the hot and cold otable water. So ar we have had nothing but success. There are so many qualitys that not only make it healthier. It is also easier for the plumber to use.

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