bathroom facilities below grade

Home Forums Archives Old Bulletin Board Archives bathroom facilities below grade

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    • #280238
      Avatar photojemcorp

        How can i install a complete bathroom below the sewer line ?Are there pumps which will allow me to plumb all the fixtures into them, and then pump to the mains.Look forward to your answers.

      • #302695
        Avatar photochris olsen

          : How can i install a complete bathroom below the sewer line ?: Are there pumps which will allow me to plumb all the fixtures into them, and then pump to the mains.: Look forward to your answers.Chris,In the US they sell sewer ejectors just for that purpose. Some pictures can be seen at:, Terry Love

        • #302696
          Avatar photochris olsen

            : How can i install a complete bathroom below the sewer line ?: Are there pumps which will allow me to plumb all the fixtures into them, and then pump to the mains.: Look forward to your answers.Chris,In the US they sell sewer ejectors just for that purpose. Some pictures can be seen at:, Terry Love

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