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    1. While the shower has its own source, what does one do about the other fixtures? Do they each have their own point-of-use heaters? Are they by supplied by a central water heater – if so, why bother with the point-of-use unit other than to have one supply tube going to it?

    Unless the electricity is produced by a dam or atomic energy, the electricity is produced by burning a fuel. the line losses transmitting the electricity are high; so most electric rates are 3 times the cost of providing the heating by burning fuels in the home. Cutting the electric bill in half by making the electric usage more efficient still makes electricity more expensive.

    The typical family bill for gas or oil hot water is $250 per year. The typical electric bill for the same hot water use is $800 per year. Cutting the electric bill in half still makes it $150 per year more expensive – and the cost of installation of the point-of-use electric heater is very high.

    These are reasons central, fuel-fired water heaters are still preferred in the majority. Only one, long-lasting appliance required. When an instantaneous unit is used for the whole house, the small tubes lime up in many areas and a small flow from only one tap of less than 1/2 gpm makes the unit hunt. A point-of-use heater at a sink for coffee or a small sinkful does make sense, small quantities make for small bills. Showers and washers make for large bills.

    [email protected]

    The firms listed below were identified as suppliers of the technology at the time of this report’s publication. This listing does not purport to be complete, to indicate the right to practice the technology, or to reflect future market conditions.

    Crispaire Corporation
    3570 American Drive
    Atlanta, GA 30341
    David Shuford
    Vice President – Marketing
    (404) 458-6643; Fax (404) 457-2352

    P.O. Box 8050
    Madison, WI 53708
    Bernie Mittelstaedt
    (800) 533-7533; Fax (608) 222-1447

    Quantum/Energy Plus International
    P.O.Box 30065
    Palm Beach, FL 33420-0085
    Charles O’Neill
    (561)842-3778; Fax (561)842-3778

    In addition, the following manufacturers are developing new residential/light commercial HPWH products that are scheduled to be released in 1997:

    Colmac Coil Manufacturing Co.
    P.O. Box 72
    370 N. Lincoln
    Colville, WA 99114
    Joel Lewinshon
    (509) 684-2595; Fax (509) 684-8331

    WaterFurnace International
    9000 Conservation Way
    Fort Wayne, IN 46809
    Bob Brown
    (219) 478-5667 ext 254; Fax (219) 478-3029

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