Reply To: Help! NOises from plumbing behind the walls

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Avatar photoSylvanLMP

    Welcome to the world of Toxic Plastic CRAP. If your builder wanted a Quality QUIET system he/she would have used Quality Cast Iron Above Ground.

    Even the manufacturers of both plastic crap and cast Iron recommend CI for drainage, waste and soil lines.

    The problem with plastic it is like an echo chamber for sounds and most folks who grew up in this country still feel plumbing systems should be QUIET and long, long lasting and most of all safe for the folks who come in contact with piping.

    For domestic water lines IF the pH is within guide lines NOTHING beats copper for health and safety and longevity.

    Personally I would not tolerate a NEW HOME that makes sounds that should never have been allowed to be installed like this.

    I would be calling the builder all night and day long screaming INSULATE or do what ever it takes BUT make it RIGHT.

    This is the reasons I refuse to work for “builders” BUT I do work directly for the building owners who want Quality for the same price it would cost to put toxic plastic in the home.

    I wish you all the luck in the world and turn up the stereo when flushing as there is very little you can do after the fact.

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