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    : We recently experienced coliform presence in our well that is 10 feet to water and approx 400 feet deep. Our ranch is located in rural area with many horses within 50 feet. We have removed all manure in the area of our main drinking water well but our test shows 13 coliform. We believe in part that the heavy rainsfall this year may have created this problem for us and are in the process of locating a well filtration system either ultra violet etc. to try and solve our problem. After using chloridated tablets and bleach we still have a high level. If anyone has a solution pleasee e-mail us. thanks JohnGray Shelly:—Make the well a condition of the purchase of the property. What is the source of the coliform contamination ? Have the owner do what is needed to chlorinate the well and get a passing grade from the Health Dept.prior to the closing. Coliform bacteria are found mostly in feces of mammals…is there a hog pen…barn…outhouse in the general vicinity of the well? Lots of luck…Bud: : : : in the process of purchasing home w/ well water. the tests show presence of water w/ coliform bacteria, can it be made safe for drinking also well found to be negative for chlorine. should this well be abandonedI have coliform bacteria in my well. After the 5th well chlorination, replacement of the well cap and replacement of the holding tank(the seal was damaged). I finally got a clean read. My well person said when you have a bad bacteria count it sometimes takes multiple clorinations in order to get a clean read. Also, if you have a high iron count to your water(which I do) it acts as a breeding ground for the bacteria. The last cholorination we left sit in the pipes for one full week which helped get rid of the iron building up to.

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