We live in a house we build in 1978 which has a septic tank. About two months ago we started smelling sewer odors outside. (Surprisingly, in an area away from the septic tank and leach lines.) We had the septic tank pumped out and new bateria added. We still smelled strong sewer odors. We finally traced them to the vent lines that run down the roofline of our house. When the wind is blowing just right (or wrong) the odor is horrific. The vent closest to the septic tank is especially bad. Question: what could be causing this and what can we do?
Grant, I have had good results in solving this problem for several of my clients by placing “Sweet Air” Activated Carbon Vent Filters on the vents. Jim Richard of Richard Septic Systems sells them, and you can view the filter on Jim’s web page. Jim’s web page address is: http://www.geocities.com/richardseptic/accessories.html
Try having these lines Water Jetted and find out the possibility of having a vent cap installed as these caps do allow air out but prevent down drafts [Edited by SylvanLMP on 13 September 2000]
I would love to hear a solution to this problem. I had it with my original house, and never solved the problem. I raised the vent about 5 ft., and it didn’t seem to help. The house later burned down, and a new house was built on the original spot making use of the same septic tank but with new drain lines. I’ve been in the new house for two months, and the same problem exists.