I recently bought a house with a steam heating system and have noticed that when the heat kicks on I hear a loud obnoxius bang like there’s a midget in my walls wrestling the steam pipes. Is this normal? Please tell me it isn’t cause’ my girlfriend won’t shutup about it and I don’t know how to fix it. I’ve tried everything I know and still BANG!BANG!BANG! every morning at 4:30. oh yeh’ and it’s only got one pipe going into it I think it’s called one way? There’s a little glass tube to check the level of the water and it’s black. I drained it and still it’s black. Is this normal? Plese help us I can’t take it anymore!!! Thank you. Scott Gordon New Haven Ct. [email protected]HELP
You would have to drain the system many times to get rid of the black water. It is normal for a system that has black iron pipes to rust when air coomes back into the system after every cycle.
Let us know how many things you had to correct and change.