Old steam radiators

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    • #275837
      Avatar photocorybean

        Hi there,
        It is getting cold out and I have a problem.
        Dining room under construction, so I have an old radiator removed. So I figured get a new valve right? Well the new 1 1/4″ valve fits nicely onto the steam in pipe, but does not fit onto the radiator flange. The problem is I cannot get the rdiator flange off the old radiator. It must weigh 300 lbs and cost hundreds for a new one.Any ideas how I can take this thing off? I put an ice cube into the pipe and torched the outside of the nut that is close to the radiator, the put a 6′ pipe on my wrench for leverage, and boards on the radiator for leverage, still it won’t budge.


      • #292988
        Avatar photoNickHydro

          Cut tha pip off USe a jabsaw wit a haksaw blad an cut tha inside of the pip near the thred then cisel the peeses out

        • #292989
          Avatar photoRVD

            OK, I can try that. Thanks!
            But before I do, let me make sure that I
            should be turning the big nut, not the pipe.


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