outdoor ADA faucets for a campsite

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    • #275281
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I need a good source for water faucets that are ADA accessible for use in an outdoor setting, picnic and campsite areas
        [email protected]

      • #291618
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Delta faucet line offers many types suitable for ADA and Barrier free designs. So does Bradley (they wrote the book YEARS ago before it became fashionable) and a host of other companies like PricePfister.


        • #291619
          Avatar photobungie

            ADA ??


            All advice is given with-out seeing the job, and hence all advice MUST be taken as advice with limited knowledge on the exact situation. NO responsibility can or
            will be taken. And yes, I am a licensed plumber with my own business in Brisbane Australia

          • #291620
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              Sorry Mate ADA means American’s with Disability Act You see Bungie in my country EVERYONE has either entitlements Or are victims THANKS to Bastards known as Lawyers. These terms in my opinion are interchangable

            • #291621
              Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                Sorry Mate ADA means American’s with Disability Act You see Bungie in my country EVERYONE has either entitlements Or are victims THANKS to Bastards known as Lawyers. These terms in my opinion are interchangable

              • #291622
                Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                  Sorry Mate ADA means American’s with Disability Act You see Bungie in my country EVERYONE has either entitlements Or are victims THANKS to Bastards known as Lawyers. These terms in my opinion are interchangable

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