Toilet problem baffling me please help

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    • #280044
      Avatar photojason hill

        newby hi to all and novice at plumbing. i have a two story house with two baths, toilets above each other. when you flush the upstairs toilet the downstairs one bubbles almost instantly. i had the main line snaked out professionally and is clear. i cleaned out the vent at the roof and when i open the cleanout behind the downstairs toilet i can see some daylight in the pipe. the downstairs toilet it on the bottom floor in concrete, believe it is original to the house not added. there is a storage room behind the bathroom where the waste line comes from upstairs down, a cleanout, and then goes under the concrete i believe to conect with the toilet. the house was built in 1979. i have lived here two years and within the last year started hearing it but if you arent downstairs when someone flushes the upstairs toilet you wont hear it. please help…thanks

      • #302143
        Avatar photorobertshawn

          It seems that the problem lies within the pipelines which needs repairing or replacement. As the house was built in 1979, it would be best to get your toilet pipes replaced. Consider taking help of professional plumbers to get rid of this problem.

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