Bidding Resturants

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    • #279597
      Avatar photoManeer Mirza

        Need BallPark Cost of Plumbing on a Chilis Resturant.

      • #301277
        Avatar photoGuest

          hi, the first thing that i would do is find a chilis restaurant in the early part of consruction and see what it looks like. you really need to do your own estimating based on what YOU see. sure you could call some of the GC’s that do these and find out what there plumber is charging, but that doesn’t mean this is what you want to do the job for.
          the only other thought that i could share with you is once you have done a couple of these your efficiency will increase drastically, but of coures never to the point that we think it will.

        • #301278
          Avatar photoGuest

            you know they will always promise you that you will be doing 10 more if the price is right dont believe it because they will say that till they find someone who does not know how to price it or believes it dont cut your throat and dont cut everyone elses price it the way u would any other job and sell your quality not your price p.s. give alot of alternates for cheaper fixtures not of lower qualty because they know where the steady guy is changing specs not for the bad but to make a profit

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