tom from the gap.
There are several very good grinder pump manufacturers here in the USA. It appears from your post that you are from another country, so I suggest that you perform an internet search for “Sewage Grinder Pumps”. A very excellent American pump company is Zoeller Pump Company. I always specify Zoeller Pumps on my projects, and have never been disappointed. The quality of the pumps is very high and the prices are competitive. I recommend the use of a duplex pump system with a high level alarm.
Check out this Web site:
Another approach is to install a septic tank, fitted with a septic tank effluent filter, ahead of the existing pump pit to settle out the indigestible solids that are creating pump failures. The effluent can then be pumped to its final destination with sewage effluent pumps, which are less expensive and less problematic from the standpoint of maintenance. If the sewage flows to a centralized sewage collection system, check with your service provider to determine if they will approve of receiving the anaerobic effluent. This design also should have a duplex pump system and high level alarm.
» This message has been edited by John Aldrich on 18 April 2006