Noise in water pipes

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    • #279436
      Avatar photoMarry Smith

        Anyone have any idea why my parents water pipes vibrate every once in a while. It shakes the whole house and makes a loud noise. While we can’t pin point what triggers the rattling it happens a lot after they use the toilet or run hot water. They say it also happens in the middle of the night.

      • #300865
        Avatar photoracefanone

          Lana ,bet they have a stool that is leaking water or not shutting off all the way.Try putting egg coloring in the tanks and see if it runs into the bowl,do not flush the stool for awhile,if the coloring ends up in the bowl you got a problem.

        • #300866
          Avatar photoRetired plbg1

            It sounds like a loose washer in a valve or faucet, start at the first fixture, and shut off stop under fixture and test water ahead of it and leave stop off until you have tested all fixtures and found it, toilets make noise like that and also PRV so go through that procedure and let me know what you find.

            Art retired plbg

            » This message has been edited by John Aldrich on 25 October 2004

          • #300867
            Avatar photoLana

              So far — the toilet is leaking. Hope that’s the only leak–we’ll do that first.
              Thanks! This is the BEST website because of the generousity of the plumbers that respond.

            • #300868
              Avatar photonicktheplumber

                A few other points: 1) check your water pressure with a cheap water pressure guage you can attach to a hose bib. It shouldn’t exceed 70-80 PSI. If it does, install a pressure regulator valve at the supply inlet. 2) Intall water hammer arrestors at your fixtures, or better yet, install a multicolumn water-hammer arrestor manifold at the supply inlet. 3) make sure your water supply pipes are well-anchored to the structural members of your house (pipes can’t hammer unless they are loose enough to vibrate).


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