blocked sewer line?

Home Forums Public Forums Drainage & Sewerage blocked sewer line?

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    • #279217
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Last night as I was bathing my daughter I noticed water flowing out of the two bolts thtat secure the base of the toilet to the floor. I cut off the water to the toilet and house. My husband tired snaking the toilet and even removed the toilet to make sure nothing was blocking it. THis morning he tried the filling the tub to see if the water level of the toilet drain would fill–IT DID! The other toilet also leaked and I can see water level of the kitchen sink’s pipe also rising. HELP!

      • #300286
        Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

          Katrina, Call a licensed Plumber.

        • #300287
          Avatar photonicktheplumber

            Morton is right…You need a plumber. But if your husband feels confident (he removed the toilet, so he must know something…), he may be able to fix this.

            What you have is a blockage in the drain pipe from the toilet. Clearly your tub (and, it seems, your sink) drains into the toilet waste pipe, and the blockage is downstream from where the tub and sink connect to the toilet waste pipe (that will be the 3″ or 4″ waste pipe).

            Your husband might try running a snake through the closet bend (the hole in the floor where the toilet is connected). That should clear the blockage. Since you already removed the toilet, snaking out the line should be easy…if you have the snake. If not, do as Morton says and hire a plumber.


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