Sewer line replacement criteria

Home Forums Public Forums Drainage & Sewerage Sewer line replacement criteria

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    • #279103
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I recently had to have my main sewer line cleared twice in a one week period due to basement floor drain backups. The first company used a snake to clear blockage. The second company (a week later) had no luck with the snake and ended up using some sort of bladder they shoved in the cleanout and connected to a water hose.

        The second company ran a camera down the line and pointed out several slightly misaligned clay pipe segments and two bellys (in one the camera was completely under water for about 3-5ft) in the line over it’s 105 ft run. No roots or breaks in the line. They want me to replace the line for $8500.

        My question is, how severe of a belly or misalignment in a pipe justifies replacement of the pipe versus periodic cleanouts? I lived in the house for 11 years before turning it into a rental recently, and only needed to have the pipe cleaned once. I’m hoping this time that the first cleaning just didn’t completely remove the blockage, and that now that the second company -water blasted- the thing it might be fine for several more years.

      • #300054
        Avatar photoTheLocalPlumber

          It might be, or it might not.
          A sewer is proper only when it is free flowing with no obstructions.
          A pipe filled with water is not a proper sewer and will fail again.
          Will it happen today or tomorrow?
          We are good but we are not that good.
          Good Luck,
          The Local Plumber
          Tustin, California

        • #300055
          Avatar photoracefanone

            Sooner or later you will have to replace it.One thing you can count on is that the price wont be cheaper later on.Good luck

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