PU, yo sewer stank

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    • #278998
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I read the previous posts on sewer smells in the house and I understand it’s usually related to a problem with the trap or vent.

        So maybe this is the same, but I want to make sure. We moved into a house five weeks ago. (8 years old with city sewer hookup). We have occasional sewer smell from the main basement drain. I conquer this by dumping a bucket of water down the drain. I run a dehumidifier in the basement next to the drain. Maybe it’s drying out the trap water. I turned it down. Also, occasional sewer smell in 2nd floor bath sink after we run water briefly for fase washing and teeth brushing. Big stink for just a moment. I’m guessing the water running down the drain creates temporary gap in trap fill. What can I do to stop it from, if you’ll pardon the expression, farting like that?

      • #299766
        Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

          My Plumbing offices & workshop is situated right beside a pump station, sometimes, if the pumps fail, then the sewerage backs up my house drainage blocking off the vent line & therefore bubbles the pan, I removed the old pan & installed a vented pan & vented it through the roof. We also have a problem with green tree frogs, they crawl up the drainage & eat the septic flies then crawl into a warm spot, usually a vent, this sometimes blocks up a vent & renders the vent useless. again bubbling in the pan happens when the pump station fails. Common sense tells me to poison the frogs, but I am a softy. inversion, siphonage, frogs. I think I’m going mad. Is it a conspiracy?.

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