“resting” leach field

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    • #278941
      Avatar photoali asgar nalwala

        Any idea how long a leach field needs to “rest”? I am about 3000 ft in Sierra foothills – loamy clay subsoil – had one side of leach field extended about three years ago and now it is surfacing again at the end of new line. I can divert everything but the toilet and can do that if necessary. Construction about 30 years ago – pumped twice in last 25 years since I have owned the place. TIA

      • #299645
        Avatar photoJohn Aldrich1

          Pasa, the effluent flow to alternating leach fields should be alternated annually. Each leach field should contain 2 monitoring and ventilation ports. The ventilation ports provide a conduit for atmospheric oxygen to enter the aggregate in the leach field thereby allowing oxidation of the clogging mat that has formed at the gravel/soil interface. The oxygen also allows for an aerobic environment in the resting field where aerobic microbial digestion of the organic matter that has escaped the septic tank can occur.

          The indigestible sludge, which accumulates in the septic tank should be removed when the measured sludge depth is 1/3 the liquid depth of the tank. I recommend that the septic tank outlet tee be fitted with a septic tank effluent filter. JWA

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