researching septic tank problems

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    • #278915
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Help – we recently (approx 5 months ago) bought a house and suspect we may have been mislead regarding the condition of the septic tank. we are noticing wet spots on top of the septic tank and the kitchen and bathroom drains have been slow since day one. how could we find out if the previous homeowner had problems with the tank? we live in Va – does anyone know if the septic tank inspectors have to turn in their report to anyone? If anyone has any info, we appreciate it.

      • #299564
        Avatar photoJohn Aldrich1

          [email protected] if there are wet spots on the surface above your septic tank, then either the leach field is failing, or there is a clog in the outlet of the septic tank. Most septic system regulatory agencies require that the septic tank be pumped, and inspected when the property is to be sold. Check with that agency in your jurisdiction, and inquire as to whether this inspection was completed on your system.

          In Larimer County, Colorado, the Health Department requires the septic tank pumpers to submit an inspection report to them which describes the condition of the system after it has been pumped and inspected. Many mortgage loan companies also require septic system inspections prior to providing financing.

          If the Health Department has no record of this inspection, then check with the local septic tank pumpers in your area to see if they have any record of pumping the septic tank at your address. JWA

        • #299565
          Avatar photoDaveMiller

            The question here is. “Did the system work before you bought it or has it been playing up for some time?”
            As John has suggested it could be a blockage-check with a plumber.
            If it is not a temporary problem the disposal system may need replacement.
            I have a webpage at which covers options for domestic systems.
            Good luck.
            Dave Miller

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