Changing closet flange

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    • #278834
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I’m installing a new floor, which will raise the floor level about 1 inch. I haven’t removed the WC yet, but I’m assuming that the drain is lead with a closet ring mounted to the wood floor.

        (There’s no way I’m replacing the lead drain.) What is the best way to raise the drain here? I would expect that I could mount a new ring on the floor, but what should I use to seal around the new subfloor/mortar & tile? (Or does it need to be sealed?)

        I have seen closet flanges with a rubber extension – I could insert one – but does the rubber need to be bonded to the (lead) waste pipe? Or can it just fit inside?

        Thanks for your help.

      • #299405
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Best way for a water tight joint simple Use a “Cup” joint.

          1-What you do is remove the existing floor flange.

          2- Clean the heck out of the existing lead pipe

          3- Get the measurement internally either 3″ or 4″

          4- Get a new piece of “D” lead that weights 2 times the diameter of the pipe per ft.

          In other words a 4″ pipe would weigh in at 8 PPF

          Now with this CUP Joint you use sperm candle or a VERY good Quality flux and attach a new pice of lead to the existing and then the floor flange later after the tile is set. Becarseful not to melt the existing lead.
          Try to get 40 60 solder in bar form

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