slow sink drain

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    • #278767
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        My bathroom sinks will not drain quickly and it appears that the push up drain plug does not elevate far enough and a small air bubble may be the culprit..trapped under the drain cap. How can I determine if this is the problenm and what is a cure? The mechanism is a standard push type that activates from above and between the fawcetts.

      • #299265
        Avatar photoGuest

          This problem is commenly caused by a buildup of crud between the drain cap and the lift rod on the drain mechanism. Remove both the P trap and the drain control rod and clean the short piece of pipe between the sink bottom and the control rod. This is where 90% of the crud will accumulate. Clean the P trap and it should be fine. Sometimes a slight height adjustment is necessary on the drain cap so move it up as high as the mechanism will allow when you reassemble it. Good luck

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