Curious George, the flaming toilets indicate at least 5 responses to an inquiry. I agree that some respondents are using this forum to hurl insults to others with different viewpoints on issues, and sometimes forget the subject of the original inquiry. Unfortunately, there is no way to control this phenomena.
I devote a great deal of time in thinking about how to respond to inquiries from folks that have problems associated with their septic systems. I respect the differing opinions of others, and try to answer questions to the best of my ability. I am sure that many other professionals are doing the same. Personal attacks upon those with differing views are not an appropriate approach in utilizing this forum. I try to encourage a professional dialog with those in the septic system industry in an effort to improve practices. Those that engage in personal attacks lack interpersonal skills in communicating their position. Several of these “professionals” may be quite skilled in their chosen profession, but do not possess the ability to correctly spell the words of the English language, nor care about the proper grammar to communicate their views.
When I am the target of a personal attack, I choose to just ignore the criticisms, and focus on the question at hand. I believe that most of the people who monitor this Bulletin Board would prefer to see more light on a subject than heat. Perhaps this is the purpose of the flaming toilet. JWA