Replace Entire FieldLines??

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    • #278452
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I’m original owner of 7yr old ranch with a septic system. We’ve had an area about 10X10ft. that has never drained well. This past weekend “water” came up from the
        ground where our dog had dug (about 6″ down) the water flowed for about 1/2 hr. We’ve never had the tank pumpped. Have had a couple of Companies come out. There recommending replace our lines ($2000 – 3500) or add 100 ft to existing line($1400). We find it hard to believe our lines are “shot” within 7 yrs?? We dug down to the line where the water was coming up and found water stands about 3-4 inches above the top of the drainline. Could we not pump the tank and have the lines hydo-jetted?? We have two fieldlines that come from the distribution box then step-down to another line about 40 ft. It is this shorter (40ft.) line where the water is. Would appreciate you input

      • #298542
        Avatar photohj

          If the water is standing above the drainlines, then the lines are not the problem. The ground is not absorbing the water, either because the field has become contaminated with soap and grease due to a non-funcitoning septic tank, or the ground has never been able to absorb water, or the ground water level is just that high. In any case, you can forget about saving the existing pipe. And probably the other one also, unless this one is lower that the other one, since the water could not rise up that high unless the other pipe was not also filled to that level. You have to run to a new area of the yard, or excavate the existing field and replace it with new pipe, gravel, etc. and test the ground for absorption before spending the money.

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