Hi there I would be happy to help but I do not understand the terms you are using. You say you live in a modular house on a vented crawls space??? Do you mean your house has enough space under it throughout it’s total foundations that you can crawl under it?
If the latter is the case then I think your problem lies with the venting locations. If there is a vent into the cupboard that allows air from under the house into the cupboard space and the only other vent to atmosphere is the outlet flue from the heater I suspect you are just suffering the imbalance of wind gusts into the cupboard space which if excessive could blow out the pilot light. You could overcome this imballance by providing and fitting another vent of the same size that is currently through the floor and locating this into the ceiling allowing gusts of air to pass harmlessly into the roof space without presurising the cylinder cupbard. Ventilation of gas appliances is critical to their operation – I would feel a whole lot better if you were to contact a reputable gas serviceperson in your area to confirm that you are allowed to make the alterations in your State/Country that I have suggested. Hope this helps.
Selgas Services Ltd
Craftsman Gasfitters, Plumbers, Electrical Service Technicians