splitting one water meter into 4 seperate water meters

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing splitting one water meter into 4 seperate water meters

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Avatar photoRetired plbg1.
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    • #277662
      Avatar photoDon Hall

        This is for a four family flat. This building has one water meter. The main water supply line is 1 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter coming out of the basement floor. It goes into a industrial style water meter. However, I would like to cut out this industrial size water meter and add four individual meters. My problem is the size of the pipe coming out of the ground. I need to reduce this large pipe to fit 3/4 inch piping. Is there such a fitting or do I have gradually reduce down to the 3/4 inch size. It is copper plumbing coming out of the ground and traveling through the building. The pipes after the water meter have already been reduced to the 3/4 inch size. These people are driving me crazy.

      • #296854
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          They make all kinds of reducing fitting but what you got you have to donit right,not just reduce it at the 1-1/2″ pipe, you have to make a manifo out of tees in a line, first you put a 90 on the 1-1/2″ pipe then run horizontal using a 1-1/2″x3/4″ tee, then1-1/2″x3/4″ Tee then a 1-1/2″3/4″x3/4″ tee and then run 2 3/4″ lines out of the last tee. If you want a drawing send me your e-mail add. and I will send you a drawing. [email protected]

          Art retired plbg

        • #296855
          Avatar photoPLUMBILL

            Most cities reqire this work tobe done by a licensed plumber with the proper permit, for the very obvious reasons.

          • #296856
            Avatar photoRetired plbg1

              Will the water co. give 4 meters, Why not divide the bill for the water equaly between the 4 tenets, that would be the simple way.

              Art retired plbg

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