Washing machine is causing greenish stains

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    • #276956
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        My 1 yr new washing machine is causing greenish stains on some of my clothes. We have new copper pipes, so I’m not sure what to do to either clean the machine or pipes. HELP!! Any suggestions? I heard something about using vinegar or CLR to clean the machine.

      • #295105
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          If you have new copper pipes then you did not flush them out before washer was installed and paste and solder got into machine, I saw them on tv say use clr and run it throug a wash cycle after you do the run some vinegar after that.

          Art retired plbg

        • #295106
          Avatar photonicktheplumber

            If the problem PERSISTS you might have a problem with water pH. Have this checked. Also, in some cases a deteriorating water heater dip tube may cause the leeching of colored copper salts into the hot water supply…one thing you could do to rule this out is use cold water only for washing and see if the problem resolves.


          • #295107
            Avatar photoDUNBAR

              Any chance a green crayon was dropped into washing machine?

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