hot water problems

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    • #276597
      Avatar photochris gatrousis

        I’ve been having problems with hot water in my facility.
        If someone leaves a hot and cold faucet on connected to a hose in the slop room sink, the cold water seems to enter the hot water side making the hot water cold. Is this called trapping and does this happen?

        The reason I am asking is on one side of the showers the hot water is cold and on the other side that is connected to the same hot water pipe is hot. I shut off
        the cold water going to the showers on that side and the water got hot. I think that one of the cold water faucets on that side is allowing cold water through to the hot water side even if it’s off.

      • #294448
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          Take the hoses off the slop sink, the water is crossing there. They call that a cross connection.

        • #294449
          Avatar photoRetired plbg1

            The only way to stop that is take off hoses are install acheck valve on hot and cold lines.Check with your local Plumbing supplyhouse they might have something new.

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