Water heater problem? or is it…

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing Water heater problem? or is it…

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Avatar photoSelgas.
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    • #276141
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I noticed yesterday that my gas water heater was making strange noises. I noticed that at the bottom front of it there is a plate that has a gap (by design) along the top of the plate. Around this metal plate, the water heater is slightly ‘browned.’ Also, when the water heater is on, I can see small flames and hear water hitting the flames through the small hole in the metal plate. Is this normal? I don’t know if this makes any sense at all…but I need help!

      • #293495
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          Sounds like you have a leak in the center where the flame goes up, have it checked.

        • #293496
          Avatar photoSelgas

            Well I dunno about the water heater having a leak under it as if this were the case then you would find water all around the base of the cylinder and possibly on the floor under it as well – I suspect that the spitting sounds you are hearing is due to condensation comming from the cold steel cylinder and dripping onto the main gas burner under the centre of the flueway. If this is the case then it is quite a normal function and no amount of playing with anything will change this reaction – it is how the thing is suppost to work.

            Selgas Services Ltd
            Craftsman Gasfitters, Plumbers, Electrical Service Technicians

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