badly vibrating pipes

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing badly vibrating pipes

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Avatar photoRetired plbg1.
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    • #276136
      Avatar photoChad Zabengo

        We were experiencing vibrating/humming pipes when turning on and off water in the house. So…a plumber came in and replaced the pressure regulator on the water main. This solved the problem for 3 days, but all of a sudden the humming/vibration is back and worse than ever. It now hums/vibrates during the entire time the water is on. The regulator is set at 50…is this still a question of pressure? Could just one unsecured pipe cause all this? If i hold down the pipe leading up to the main floor from the water main, the vibrations stop. Would the copper ground wire cause this to vibrate as well? Any suggestions on how to fix? Thanks for any help in advance!

      • #293488
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          Get a pipe strap and srap down the pipe, also you must have a loose washer in one of the faucets, check each one and if okay turn water off to faucet and try another one and do the same until you tried them all, also sometimes toilet does that too.

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