old water well

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    • #274941
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have recently aquired a piece of land that has an old oil location water well on it. The well is 10″ steel pipe casing about 260′ deep. All the locals around the area tell me that the well was dug in the fifties, used for a short time as an oil well (until the oil ran out I suppose?) and then used as a water well for 25 years or so to irrigate
        an orchard. I’ve got it pumping againnd volume doesn’t seen to be a problem. I am wondering what potential health hazards the water from this well might pose.

      • #290792
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Have you considered taking a sample of this water and having it tested at a local water testing Lab rather then risking everyone’s health?

          By the way in my area if you got caught using ANY Used pipe for domestic water purposes your going away for as long, long time
          [Edited by SylvanLMP on 10 May 2001]

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