I have white particles in my water that are clogging up both the aerator and the pipes. I’m trying to figure out what they are so I can get it fixed. I thought it was calcium but one method of determining – putting the particles in vinegar and seeing if they would dissolve – contradicted this thought. The particles didn’t dissolve in the 10 minutes I left them in vinegar. I thought the problem may then be the dip tube was dissolving but I can crush the particles between my fingers so I wouldn’t think you could do this with PVC. Also, we seem to be getting hot water OK. It takes awhile (a minute) to get through the pipes to the top level of the house but once it comes, the temperature is sufficient and the hot water lasts long enough. If it was the dip tube, I would have thought we’d have more hot water problem indications. On the other hand, the deposits do seem to be coming mostly from the hot water pipes as the hot water pipe under our kitchen sink becomes so clogged with the particles that, in about a week, the water pressure is very noticeably decreased and I have to unhook the pipe to release the particle buildup. I got a handful the last time I did this. Any confirmations as to what this proplem is?