: I went away for ten days over the Christmas holiday. I left the gas fired Rheen tank (15-20 years old) on for that period-something that I usually dont do. When we returned, the hot water at every faucet fizzes or foams. It doesnt smell, it doesnt have any rust or discoloration. The foam disperses to leave a clear glass of water.: What the heck is going on? You didnt state if this is an ongoing problem or was just a temporary problem. I do know of a similar condition mentioned in the water heater manuals for gas fired water heaters. It mentions that leaving a gas water heater on while away for awhile can cause a build up of hydrogen gas bubbles. I am not sure how long it takes to purge the gas from the tank but I would imagine that it takes a little time. Somestimes too,the magnesium anode rod inside the tank can cause fizzy water but there is usually a rotten egg smell associated with its breakdown. This rod is installed to help the tank last longer.Just a couple of suggestions that I hope is of help!