HELP! Toilet problems!

Home Forums Archives Old Bulletin Board Archives HELP! Toilet problems!

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 25 years ago by Avatar photoMichael.
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    • #281364
      Avatar photoDarren Graunstadt

        Okay, I just moved into a new apartment. The first time I used the toilet, when I flushed water leaked out of the base onto the bathroom floor. I got maintenance and they said that the toilet just wasnt screwed into the floor enough (it was wobbly). Would that cause it to leak or is there an underlying problem? Because, I kid you not, every time I use the thing, it doesnt flush properly. The water fills all the way to the top and then takes 5 minutes to go back down. Maintenance tells me that its clogged, but hmmm I have dealt with clogged toilets before and its nothing like this! I can plunge away on that thing for hours and nothing would ever come up. I am tired of dealing with this so if anybody could help, PLEASE! Id appreciate it! Thanks!

      • #309169
        Avatar photoMichael

          : Okay, I just moved into a new apartment. The first time I used the toilet, when I flushed water leaked out of the base onto the bathroom floor. I got maintenance and they said that the toilet just wasnt screwed into the floor enough (it was wobbly). Would that cause it to leak or is there an underlying problem? Because, I kid you not, every time I use the thing, it doesnt flush properly. The water fills all the way to the top and then takes 5 minutes to go back down. Maintenance tells me that its clogged, but hmmm I have dealt with clogged toilets before and its nothing like this! I can plunge away on that thing for hours and nothing would ever come up. I am tired of dealing with this so if anybody could help, PLEASE! Id appreciate it! Thanks!If it is wobbly, it is loose. If it is leaking water, probably need a new wax ring. If your maintenacne is going to replace it, have them snake the toilet line at the same time. Plunging doesnt work because the partial blockage is further down the line than at the toilet. Reason for partial blockage is water does eventually leave toilet, unless the water leaking around the base is equal to the amount leaving the toilet. Then line would be fully blocked.

        • #309173
          Avatar photoMichael

            the toilet not being screwed down to the floor can and most of the time will cause it to leak. the toilet being stopped up can be a lot of things. sometimes a plunger will not get it out. you might want to ask the maintanance to use a toilet auger. but if the toilet worked before he screwed it down tighter then it sounds to me that the wax ring may have spread out to the inside instead of out like it should

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