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    • #274658
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have a crack on a 48″ dia SW Main. Intended repair is to wrap with Fibre Glass fabric.
        Shall appreciate any feedback on this proposal.

      • #290113
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Sure that repair is great for the non skilled or uncaring.

          Why not use electrical tape and hide this defective work besides?

          I personally would do the following

          1- Cut out this section and replace as any DECENT mechanic would do Or

          If time was the key factor I would drill a hole on each side of the crack to keep it from expanding and weld the split

          BUT then again I do not think like a stumble bums mentality of getting in and getting out and not caring if the job is correct or not.

        • #290114
          Avatar photoWallingford Plm+Htg

            First I would like to tell you that not all plumbers are as hostile as Sylvan.He forgets that this board is for people seeking information.Please forgive him,he’s just an angry man! I would also suggest that you remove the bad section,not patch it.

          • #290115
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              OK WALLINGFORD, replace it with WHAT Mr. plumber? No hub cast Iron doesn’t come in 48″

              If your talking Bell and spigot please tell the original Question writer how many HUBS he will need to do this properly.

              Of course you being a highly professional plumber would NEVER EVER face a hub downstream except possibly for a vent like an upside down joint on an FA I return bend.

              How much lead oakum POUNDS would this fellow need for each joint?

              What DEPTH of lead would be required if this joint is for pressure?

              Is this EXTRA heavy Cast Iron or service weight?

              Could this be Class 22 corporation pipe?

              PLEASE Master and non hostile one please explain how to do this job properly Thank you.

              Please also explain why WELDING Cast Iron pipe is not a reasonable job?

              After all the ASME allows welding (with an “R” stamp) to be used on boilers and pressure vessels.

              Ah the joys of leaning how to cut out and replace.. TYPICAL please explain HOW as I am alwys willing to learn.

              After all the largest pipe I ever repaired was 72″ so you must really be GREAT

            • #290116
              Avatar photoGuest

                So, you think Sylvan is an angry man. Well, if I dealt with the idiots that I see posting on this board I would be constantly pissed off. To have knowledge and try to share knowledge with ignorant peers would make me hostile. Thank God I am retired and can simply smile as I vision half of you morons blowing yourselves up.

              • #290117
                Avatar photoWallingford Plm+Htg

                  I’m think I,m going to do a movie about a plumber.The first scene will show Sylvan in a basement with a welder fixing a cast iron fitting.The second scene will show Sylvan with the lead pot and bell and spigot fittings.The third scene will show the homeowner crying when she gets the bill.Of course she wakes up and realizes it was a bad dream.She then calls a modern day plumber who replaces all the outdated cast iron with PVC pipet a much lower price.

                • #290118
                  Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                    QUOTE]Originally posted by Wallingford Plm+Htg:
                    I’m think I,m going to do a movie about a plumber.The first scene will show Sylvan in a basement with a welder fixing a cast iron fitting

                    <<<I suppose you would just REMOVE the “cast Iron” boiler from a minor crack huh?

                    ARe you one of those propoxy techs?

                    You see my “Modern” unknowing friend a lot of cast Iron radiators can be welded or brazed for a FRACTION of the cost of replacement and a properly welded joint out lasts the base metal BUT upstate does not require any type of “Practical” testing it appears.

                    .The second scene will show Sylvan with the lead pot and bell and spigot fittings.<<<

                    Well it was there for over 100 YEARS and finally had a defect huh?

                    Why not read this article my “modern tech” as you CERTAINLY are never going to be a qualified plumber allowed in a modern city.
                    Two Year Old Roof Drain Failing by Sylvan Tieger : PlumbViews >> – The Largest Plumbing Resource on the I

                    By the way my roof drain installations I STILL USED A CAULKED Joint BUT then again I do like longivity.

                    The third scene will show the homeowner crying when she gets the bill.<<<<

                    No it is better to use CHEAP materials so In less then 5 years I can redo this piping do to sags as the idiot before me used band iron and Never properly supported this piping with clevis hangers and proper riser clamps.

                    Here this reminds me of OTHER short (MODERN) cuts Dangers Of NON Licensed Heating Guys by Sylvan Tieger : PlumbViews >> – The Largest Plumbing Resource on

                    Of course she wakes up and realizes it was a bad dream.She then calls a modern day plumber who replaces all the outdated cast iron with PVC pipet a much lower price. <<<<

                    Yes and the “Modern Day Plumber” ” dies from Brain cancer from using carcinogenic primers and glue in a non ventilated space plus liver damage to everyone in the surrounding area. The Modern stumble bum has no concern as to get rid of this TOXIC waste (PVC) as the “Modern Nut case” Billy Butt Crack specialist doesnt read what Green peace has to say about “plastic toxins BUT hey your name of the game is GET IN GET OUT AND DO IT CHEAP hey I hope you used LOTS of plastic around your family. Please keep on sniffing that fatastic glue NEVER bother to read the warnings.

                    At least with Bell piping and No Hub I do have options and well It takes a mechanic to know how to make a system last THANKFULLY Home depot is spreading out and thus the home owners can do a better job then most of the “Modern” so called plumbers.

                    I would put ANY DIY against 99.999999 of the upstate handymen plastic guys who have no clue to a proper job.

                    Of course in case of a fire if it doesnt kill the family the smoke from this material will kill everyone in the home from the fumes BUT hey the modern plumber did get away with MURDER.

                    I love the modern plumber as they creat lots of work for the real professionals.

                    [Edited by SylvanLMP on 24 February 2001]
                    [Edited by SylvanLMP on 24 February 2001]

                  • #290119
                    Avatar photoWallingford Plm+Htg

                      Sylvan your just another old timer who can’t accept change.Are you telling me you’ve never done a home with plastic pipe,never?I’m sending you all my 8 track tapes that I was saving for a time capsule.Don’t expect them soon,I’m sending them pony express.I thihk you spent too much time around the lead pot!!

                    • #290120
                      Avatar photoSylvanLMP


                        Originally posted by Wallingford Plm+Htg:
                        Sylvan your just another old timer who can’t accept change.Are you telling me you’ve never done a home with plastic pipe,never?I’m sending you all my 8 track tapes that I was saving for a time capsule.Don’t expect them soon,I’m sending them pony express.I thihk you spent too much time around the lead pot!!

                        For a guy of 50 I am glad you consider me old there KID.

                        OK lad let me explain the facts of life about plumbing SOMETHING you still have not learned it appears.

                        You see KID plumbing is not a matter of buying and installing the CHEAPEST materials BUT what we REAL plumbers try to do is pick the right materials for the PROPER JOB.

                        If you upstate Billy Butt crack wanna be handymen really knew how to read THEN you would read the manufacturers literature like Charlotte pipe that manufactures plastic and Cast Iron EVEN they suggest STRONGLY on CAST iron for a Quiet long lasting NON toxic system BUT knowing your a country bumpkin and also knowing upstate NY HAS no codes it is the get in get out mentality that is why you folks there re STARVING to death and the average do it your selfer can do a much better job they the local plumber.
                        Yes, I can tell you I NEVER installed plastic in a residential home as I like giving my accounts Quality.

                        Wall why don’t you read my reports that I wrote SEVERAL months ago relating to plumbing something YOU should honestly try to learn rather then dabble in.

                        Seeing your postings I can assure you the most YOU could ever hope to make as a plumber in My area is no more then $6.00 per HR as there is NO WAY I would ever allow you to do any mechanical work in my opinion you should find another field as plumbing is not for everyone.

                        READ and Learn KID and your Child like get in get out mentality is the sure sign of a non professional.


                        You See SONNY BOY we “plumbers” try to get the best materials for the job. I just hope son that you dont have to rely on a doctor with your mind set of doing a job. Have a great one kid and stay well lad. Have you ever thought of going to a UA Apprenticeship 5 year apprenticeship?

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