My new Heater stopped water flow???

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    • #274568
      Avatar photojames bowers

        I just had a water heater installed and it immediately stopped the flow of hot water to three outlets. Two more have very restricted flow. They all worked before and the installer told me that the galvonized pipes were to blame. Now I have a new heater but no hot water flow. He told me I have to repipe my house and it would cost at least $5000!!!
        Help, Any suggestions???


      • #289967
        Avatar photodon

          Dan, you didn’t say if the cold water was affected at the same faucet outlets. If there is also no cold water at the faucets, try removing the aerators and check for flow. There may also be a problem with the cold water supply valve to the water heater, make certain that valve is totally open. Open and close it several times to make ceretain that scale formations have not accumulated on the face of the valve seat. Before you agree to pay $5000 for a repipe, get another professional plumber in to look at the problem.

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