Hot water in Kitchen sink

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    • #274516
      Avatar photonev

        I have recently noticed that the hot water in my kitchen sink is very slow or non existent. The Cold water force is excellent. Any Ideas on what could be the cause of this issue. My house was built in 1986. I think the pipes under the kitchen sink are copper. Please advise.


      • #289888
        Avatar photoRick

          When was the last time you drained the sediment out of the bottom of your water heater?

          Is it only the kitchen sink? Does it have a single handle valve, and what brand?

        • #289889
          Avatar photosanju74

            I don’t know when was the last time the sediments were drained from my water heater.
            Yes it is only the kitchen sink and it is a single handle valve.
            I think its moen brand.
            Thank you for the response

          • #289890
            Avatar photosanju74

              I got to digging around and in the process I discovered a hard water deposit clog under the kitchen sink. I unclogged it and it runs just great now. Thank you for the response

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