Hello. I bought an all electric house about 6 years ago. After 6 winters of being cold, I put in a high efficiency LP gas furnace.Now I am trying to figure out whether it is less expensive to heat water with electricity or with LP gas.Currently prices of the energy are as follows:Electricity: First 200 KW hours, $0.075, all over 200 KW hours, $0.059 (USA).I pre purchased 1,000 gallons of LP gas at $0.61 per gallon, and the initial fill-up of 400 gallons was at $0.53 per gallon. I do not pay for the tank.The electric company will give me $100 rebate on a 40 gal water heater. The LP company will give me a 40 gal standard lp gas water heater.My old heater is needing replaced.What should I do.Thank you.