finding sewer line

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    • #280311
      Avatar photojbabbitt

        anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!

      • #305596
        Avatar photolisa

          : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!Your local authority should have it on file ask them for a copy of your sewer plan

        • #305597
          Avatar photolisa

            : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!Your local authority should have it on file ask them for a copy of your sewer plan

          • #305624
            Avatar photolisa

              In most cases, the utility only knows where the sewer enters the property. If you have just one bath now, or two back to back, the sewer should be in a straight line out the wall on the side closest to that sewer connection. If the system is old enough, the cleanout is probably just a tee in the line with a plug in it. Otherwise, an electronic locating service can find it for a fee of $100-$200.: anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!

            • #305625
              Avatar photolisa

                In most cases, the utility only knows where the sewer enters the property. If you have just one bath now, or two back to back, the sewer should be in a straight line out the wall on the side closest to that sewer connection. If the system is old enough, the cleanout is probably just a tee in the line with a plug in it. Otherwise, an electronic locating service can find it for a fee of $100-$200.: anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!

              • #305633
                Avatar photolisa

                  : : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!: Your local authority should have it on file ask them for a copy of your sewer planI run a local plumbing co in our town. We can do locating and camera work on all sewer and drain lines with our Ridgid see snake ifyou were close ,we could [email protected]

                • #305634
                  Avatar photolisa

                    : : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!: Your local authority should have it on file ask them for a copy of your sewer planI run a local plumbing co in our town. We can do locating and camera work on all sewer and drain lines with our Ridgid see snake ifyou were close ,we could [email protected]

                  • #308129
                    Avatar photolisa

                      : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help! IF YOU ARE ON CITY SEWER HAVE THE CITY INSTALL A CLEAN OUT AT THE RIGHT-OF WAY,TELL THEM THAT THEY HAVE A PROBLEM WHERE THE CITY TAP IS BLOCKED OR BEHONEST WITH THEM AND ASK FOR HELP FROM THERE T.V.TRUCK, MAPS,OR PIPE HORN.

                    • #308130
                      Avatar photolisa

                        : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help! IF YOU ARE ON CITY SEWER HAVE THE CITY INSTALL A CLEAN OUT AT THE RIGHT-OF WAY,TELL THEM THAT THEY HAVE A PROBLEM WHERE THE CITY TAP IS BLOCKED OR BEHONEST WITH THEM AND ASK FOR HELP FROM THERE T.V.TRUCK, MAPS,OR PIPE HORN.

                      • #309252
                        Avatar photolisa

                          : : : : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!: : Your local authority should have it on file ask them for a copy of your sewer plan: I run a local plumbing co in our town. We can do locating and camera work on all sewer and drain lines with our Ridgid see snake ifyou were close ,we could [email protected]:: There are many sewer and drain cleaning cos. that are experianced in pipe line locating, with electronic transmitters they put into your drain line through the toilet opening,they can locate it with a reciever above ground. With pin point accuracy. Check your Ameritec Yellowpages.

                        • #309253
                          Avatar photolisa

                            : : : : anyone out there know how to locate a sewer line? were adding on a new bathroom and need to tie in the the existing sewer but we cant find it! weve dug about 10 holes in our yard to no avail and cannot find a cleanout anywhere ! help!: : Your local authority should have it on file ask them for a copy of your sewer plan: I run a local plumbing co in our town. We can do locating and camera work on all sewer and drain lines with our Ridgid see snake ifyou were close ,we could [email protected]:: There are many sewer and drain cleaning cos. that are experianced in pipe line locating, with electronic transmitters they put into your drain line through the toilet opening,they can locate it with a reciever above ground. With pin point accuracy. Check your Ameritec Yellowpages.

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