septic tank drain field

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    • #280318
      Avatar photoJody Miller

        going to be digging my own drain field any and all suggestions

      • #305658
        Avatar photodavid krafcik

          : going to be digging my own drain field any and all suggestionsIm just curious how old your house is. I just posted a question about my drain field when I noticed your question. We need a new drain field too but I want to first find out if my builder is responsible in any way. If you have any info or suggestions Id appreciate it.

        • #305659
          Avatar photodavid krafcik

            : going to be digging my own drain field any and all suggestionsIm just curious how old your house is. I just posted a question about my drain field when I noticed your question. We need a new drain field too but I want to first find out if my builder is responsible in any way. If you have any info or suggestions Id appreciate it.

          • #309036
            Avatar photodavid krafcik

              : : going to be digging my own drain field any and all suggestions: Im just curious how old your house is. I just posted a question about my drain field when I noticed your question. We need a new drain field too but I want to first find out if my builder is responsible in any way. If you have any info or suggestions Id appreciate it.

            • #309037
              Avatar photodavid krafcik

                : : going to be digging my own drain field any and all suggestions: Im just curious how old your house is. I just posted a question about my drain field when I noticed your question. We need a new drain field too but I want to first find out if my builder is responsible in any way. If you have any info or suggestions Id appreciate it.

              • #309347
                Avatar photodavid krafcik

                  : going to be digging my own drain field any and all suggestions

                • #309348
                  Avatar photodavid krafcik

                    : going to be digging my own drain field any and all suggestions

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